
Monday, 11 May 2020

life in the 90's interview.

Life in the 90’s InterviewRemember the 90s? - CUInsight

Find someone to interview. They must have lived in the 90s (so try find someone who is 
28 or older):
  • You can easily interview someone from your Whanau (try your parents of even better your grandparents)
  • Email a teacher at school

Ask them these interview questions, and write down their answers.

Who are you interviewing?

What is their name? (remember to be cybersmart - no last names)
  • My mum Christina

How old were they in the 90’s? (they might say something like “in my 20’s” or “a teenager”)
  • In the 90s from 1990-1999 i was 5-14 years old

Questions to ask the person you are interviewing.

Tell me about what School/ Work was like for you in the 90’s
  • It was fun when she was 5 but it got harder as she got older.

What was your TV like in the 90’s?
- it was a square box tv not as clear or flat as they are now and we had the good night kiwi.

How did you contact your friends in the 90’s?
- she had a landline phone. First she had a rotary dial telephone and then she had a push button phone.

What was your family car like in the 90’s?
- it was a  Toyota Cressida, old and ugly.

What was your favourite thing about the 90’s?
- the music. Some of the songs we still sing and dance to are from the 90s

Question for you to answer.

Based on the answers you received. 
Do you think you would like living in the 90’s?
- Yes/No

- my mum thinks i would have liked it because they didn't have devices and when i'm not on my devices i enjoy playing outside and playing with friends. 

1 comment:

  1. Great interview Sophie! I'm sure you Mum will have loved sharing with you what happened during the 90's. Technology sure was very different back then. We did play outside a lot as we didn't have any devices, imagine that? Are you enjoying learning about all of the 1990's technology?

    Miss Parrant


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